Register webhooks dynamically in Jira Cloud

Jira app development
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I'm happy to announce a new Jira Cloud API that allows Connect apps to register webhooks dynamically, as opposed to having to declare them statically in their Connect descriptor.

This API notifies apps when issues are created, updated, and deleted in Jira. These issues can be filtered based on a specified JQL statement. Note that only a subset of JQL is supported (see here) for now. We’ve restricted to a subset of JQL because we want to make this as performant as possible.

What problem are we trying to solve?

We aim at reducing the amount of polling that Connect applications make to Jira. Some apps are often running JQL searches in order to keep up to date with what's going on in Jira. This puts a lot of load on our infrastructure and makes Jira slower for users. Through this API, we’ve reduced the need for polling. We still recommend polling for the unsupported JQL. Additionally, you can use polling to periodically recover from the occasionally missed webhook.

Learn how to register webhooks dynamically

For more information, check out the documentation, the REST API docs, or the example Connect app.