Atlassian Marketplace Developers in the Spotlight: Celebrating Achievements and Success

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you are a member of the Atlassian developer community, chances are you've interacted with many of your developer peers already  — whether that's for help answering a Marketplace question or debugging code. What you might not know about them, however, are their unique life stories and achievements. For example, how they got their start in software development, advice they have for re-building a Server app on Cloud, or tips on taking the leap from corporate job to starting a business on the Atlassian Marketplace.

That's why today we are announcing the launch of our Developer Success Stories program. These stories celebrate Atlassian developer accomplishments, allow you to connect with your peers on a deeper level, and hear their advice and lessons learned. To kick off our first round of stories, we interviewed Amaresh Ray, Emre Toptancı and Oliver Siebenmarck, three developers in the community based in Australia, Turkey, and Germany. Read on to dive into each story and discover how they've found success on the Marketplace.

Amaresh Ray, Co-Founder at Multiplier

After securing funding through Atlassian Ventures, Amaresh and his co-founder seized the opportunity to turn their dream of running a business on the Atlassian Marketplace into reality. We sat down with Amaresh to discuss how he got started in entrepreneurship and launching his business building apps. In this story, learn about why he decided to take the leap, the growth phase of his business, and what lies ahead for Multiplier. Read Amaresh’s full story and connect with him on the developer community. If you’re interested to hear even more about advice Amaresh has for developers exploring a similar path, read his full interview blog post!

Read Amaresh’s Story

Oliver Siebenmarck, Co-Founder at Polymetis Apps

From technical writing to developing software and teaching a course at a local university on B2B app development, Oliver wears many hats. Beginning his journey in programming as an eight-year-old playing with a Commodore Plus/4 evolved into a successful career in tech developing apps for the Atlassian Marketplace. In his story, he describes his experience transitioning an app from Connect to Forge, guidance for other developers looking to do the same, and how he is paving the way for the next generation of app developers. Learn more about Oliver and reach out to say hello on the community.

Read Oliver’s Story

Emre Toptancı, Development Team Lead at OBSS

With over 3,000 installs and 450+ customers in 50+ countries using the Time in Status app, Emre has been instrumental in helping organizations identify bottlenecks in their workflows and improve processes. In this story, he shares how re-building his Server app on Cloud provided eye-opening insights into customer behaviors, as well as benefitted their app customers and the business as a whole. Speaking based on 15+ years of software development experience, Emre also provides advice on how best to introduce new features to Cloud apps. Take a moment to learn about Emre and add him to your network.

Read Emre’s Story

Do you have a story to share?

Wondering how you can share your story? We are seeking developers who:

  • Have used Forge in an innovative way
  • Have advice on succeeding in the Marketplace
  • Transitioned their app from Server to Cloud
  • Transitioned their app from Connect to Forge

Does this sound like you, or do you think you have a different and interesting story to tell? Then submit your application below*!

We hope you enjoyed getting to learn about these incredible members of the Atlassian developer community. If you don't already know them, we'd highly encourage you to add them to your network, ask them a question or two, or even share how their advice helped you in your own app development journey!

*We personally review each submission that we receive. Due to a large number of submissions and the limited number of success stories we publish each quarter, we may not be able to respond to each applicant. Thank you for your interest.