API Rate Limit Handling for Apps

Reading Time: 3 minutes Co-authored by Ian Gil Ragudo APIs are the backbone of modern software development, and with their increasing reliance, it’s more important…

Using Forge to Build Insights into your Team

Reading Time: 12 minutes Forge provides some really convenient features for developing apps that will allow you build greater insights into your organization’s behaviour. This blog summarizes an approach taken to understand details about how decisions are made at Atlassian and a similar approach can be followed for other types of information. Within the post, I point out certain aspects of my Forge development experience, noting areas of delight plus those needing improvement. I expect the latter to become out of date quickly as Forge is still in the early stages of development.

Ecosystem support for custom domains

Reading Time: 2 minutes Atlassian will soon add support for Custom Domains to our cloud products (see https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CLOUD-6999). The custom domains feature allows a customer…