Update on GDPR Deadlines you don’t want to miss

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Previously we've communicated that apps are required to complete their migration to Atlassian AccountID and remove legacy user references (username and user key) by March 29, 2019. Due to theamount of remaining open issues raised by you, the Developer Community, we've decided to extend the deprecation notice period by 30 days. The new target deprecation date for Jira Cloud, Confluence Cloud, Bitbucket Cloud, and Connect REST APIs is April 29, 2019.

Understanding migration status

We are tracking use of the apiMigrations flag in the Connect App descriptor as a way to understand developer readiness to deprecate username and user key from our REST APIs. This flag serves as both a mechanism to test the new API behaviors (when set to gdpr:true) and a communication tool to signal when you are blocked (when set to gdpr:false).

Today, we have 62 apps that have signaled that they are ready for the deprecation, 15 that have signaled they are blocked, and ~700 that have not indicated their status.

In order for us to understand where you are with migration to accountID and use that information to effectively communicate with our product teams, we need you to signal your status using the "opt In mechanism" .

Learn more about how to properly use this flag.